February 6, 2020
Join me for the local launch of my new novel at the famous Nutty Irishman in Farmingdale! Free event with a cash bar and complimentary hors d' oeuvres.
Hear excerpts from the book as well as new material. Prose, Poetry, drinks, and food at an iconic location. You don't want to miss this!
Here is an Easter Egg! A poem I wrote to commemorate the abomination of bail reform!
An Orwellian Nightmare
A mild New Year gave way to a cold reality
What was once good is now bad
Chaos supplants order
The jails are empty
Nothing short of murder is a crime
The only bad people anymore are cops
And they are persecuted for their service
Violent felons run free
Even when arrested,
They are out to commit more crimes
Before the complaint is even lodged,
With Met’s tickets, a debit card and a burner phone for their trouble
Incentivized to commit more heinous acts
The innocent now the lowest rung on the food chain
Meanwhile, the elected officials who conceived this horror
Do nothing to protect their defenseless citizens
They make a speech and shake their fists
And continue to steal from the public trough
With their armed paid security
And walled compounds to protect them
They refuse to consider reforming this abomination
This is criminal justice reform
“Give it a chance,” they say. “it will work.”
Like ignoring the mentally ill homeless did
And demonizing the police
They say It will all make sense
And one day it will when come the revolution,
They are the first ones put on the wall.
Grab your Paddy Durr fix @
Keep an eye out on my Social Media pages for upcoming TV interviews and Podcasts!
Till next time(February 14th, 2020-next newsletter!)
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